Tuesday, April 21, 2009

12 Reasons To Have Sex


Men who have sex 3 to 6 times, or more a week can reduce their risk of heart attack by 50%! The same study by researchers at Queens University in Belfast also indicated that regular sex will halve the men's risk of suffering a stroke.

Weight Loss

Forget treadmill, take it to the bedroom as one 30 mins "love session" burns about 200 calories!


Start off with a sensual massage and end in a high note in between the sheets. Your body will release sleep - inducing hormones called endorphins and you will be sleeping like a baby in no time. No more sleeping pills dependencies!


Having sex even once or twice a week can boost your immune system up to 30%, according to a study conducted at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania. Sex life slows the aging process.

Healthy Teeth

Need a reason to swallow? How about better looking teeth? Semen contains zinc, calcium and other minerals that is essential to protect your pearly whites against tooth decay.

Regular Periods

Regular sex also translates to more regular menstrual cycle, according to endocrinologists at Columbia University & Stamford University.

Longer Sex Life

Use it or lose it. According to experts " The more you have sex, the more likely you'll be continue to produce testosterone, one of the primary hormones responsible for sexual desire."

Stress Relief

Apart from inducing relaxation, sex is a great way to release tension,. Results guaranteed.


When things go well in bed and you're pleasing your partner, you feel more confident and powerful in other aspects of life as well. Feel the power!

Cancer prevention

Give him a helping hand. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the more he ejaculates the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer.


Sex makes your happier than having money does, according to a recent study by the United States National Bureau of Economic Research. A marriage that included regular sex was figured to bring the same levels of happiness as earning an extra Rm100,000 annually.

Slow Aging.

Neurophysiologist David Weeks, M.D., of Scotland's Royal Edinburgh Hospital claims that having an active sex life slows the aging process.

Toddlers, please don't use this facts to debate against your parents about sex :)

Singaporeans: Please think about it. Make love.

PPL in the Republic of China : I know, 1 family 1 child. You still can use prevention stuff right :)

So Guys and girls out there given so many reasons to have sex~ LetS Rock & Roll!!!

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